被她咬破的唇瓣此时也是微微有些红肿,她总算是觉得心情顺畅了几分。邪坤仰天叹出一口气,道:“最后一次神界大战,因为禅乾用至高神器插手,最终将我封印。但在数十年的战斗中,这胖子曾多次看不惯七大星域一些所谓有身份尊贵的神灵于大战中贪生怕死,与我暗中沟通的qing kuang。然后亲自组建执法队,对这些神灵丝毫没有过任何手软!”可心里到底是不甘。螃蟹终于不嚎了,粉红倒霉总算让它心里平衡了点儿。我关三天禁闭,你也没落好,希望得等到三天以后。
回复小镇错题集。:Kind of disappointed. So many annoying scenes. So many annoying ppl. All the twists in volume 2 are weak. And don’t you dare torturing my Max like that Duffer Brothers!P.S. I’m probably the only one who thinks the whole Hopper line is totally unnecessary. (Yes I mean he should’ve died in last season. (Sorry El and Joyce. (But not really sorry.